Saturday, May 2, 2009

Day 1

Today I started my internship at Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Little White House. Holy Moly. I drove for about half an hour to get there...I was pretty nervous..first day Jitters. When I got there I met Mary who took me on a tour and showed me the run of things. I am the youngest person there....I think I was the youngest person in about a 50 mile radius. I did have a lot of fun, though. It was FDR's homecoming day and some of the rangers were dressed in period clothing and there was a man dressed as FDR sitting on the porch chatting with the visitors who were gnawing on their cinnamon cookies and sipping on their ice cold lemonade. It really felt like I was back in the south...the south that everyone pictures. I didn't really get "oriented" to much...Mary said that part will come on Monday when I have a full day.

Other than that, life has been pretty boring thus far. It's hard to be so far away from all my friends. It's a little frustrating because I want to be active...I hope this internship will at least provide a little excitement...fingers crossed!

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