This was an Email I got from my mom...I talked to her on the phone about it....we love this guy, he's family...and this is totally legit!
I hope that all of you will understand what I am about to ask of you and for those of you who know me, know that this is not a scam. If anyone wants to call me, feel free to do so. 678-876-5011. (or call me...Holly...801-360-1940)
I hope that all of you will understand what I am about to ask of you and for those of you who know me, know that this is not a scam. If anyone wants to call me, feel free to do so. 678-876-5011. (or call me...Holly...801-360-1940)
I am at work tonight and have just received a phone call from the wife of Sgt John Starnes who works with me. I have attached his picture. I know that some of you know how much I love this guy. He has served in Iraq and is now in Afghanistan. He is one of the most special people that anyone could ever know. They have just been bombed and all that they have has been destroyed. They have no food except for a few things they had in their backpacks. They are trapped and are in dire need of food and some other items. One of his best friends is a Sgt at the Police Dept with me and if we can get some donations we can purchase the things that they need and get them in the mail this next week. John said that there is a helicopter that will drop the items by parachute. Many of us do not realize how little these heroes of ours do not have. I remember John telling me that on his last tour that they had to steal food because they were so hungry. I had no idea.
If there is any way possible please forward this to all of your friends and family who might can help. We are asking if you can put just 1 or 2 dollars in an envelope and mail it ASAP so that we get the money by Tuesday. 1 or 2 dollars will add up if we can get enough people to do this. With it being Christmas time we did not want to ask for any more because we know that the economy has hit everyone pretty hard. But, these guys are fighting for our freedom. John's guys are Special Ops and are in a remote area.
Myself and Sgt Shepherd will then go and purchase the items that are on the list and mail them right away. We do have someone that is going to pay for the shipping, as it will be quite costly.
If you can help, we thank you in advance. For those who cannot, God Bless you and you can help by keeping them in your prayers. Remember, we need this ASAP and no later than Tuesday Dec. 15th.
Please include your name and family members names so that we can let the guys know who did this for them. THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!
Please mail to:
Kay Smith
c/o Hogansville Police Dept.
117 Lincoln Street
Hogansville, GA 30230
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