Saturday, May 16, 2009

My First Full Week I kind of let the ball drop for a minute. I have been so tired by the time I get home that my fingers fail to type in the updates. I started this blog because I am required to keep a weekly journal for everything that I do here at the little white house. I think I'll probably end up just doing it once a week instead of trying a daily thing. Of course my mind is like the Georgia never know when it might change. This week has been the week that every child in Georgia decided to bring their school here to visit...that may seem like an exaggeration, but it sure didn't feel like it. We had over 600 visitors a day this week and it was hard work.
Okay...for the fun stuff. There is a guide here named Charles that I have come to love. He is the most hilarious man I have ever met and he suits me fine. Don't get him started about women, though...he has three daughters and all but one of his grandchildren are girls. He likes to remind you that he has never been able to escape from PMS in his whole life. Also, if you need to use the restroom, don't ask him! He will point you to the second pine tree on the right. I'm finally getting the hang of most things so he is trying to introduce me to some new adventures. For instance, we had a group of folks who came in and needed a ride around the site. Charles (whom I now call "Ground Chuck") took me up to get the people mover. The people mover is a large 8 seater golf cart kind of like the surrey with the fringe on the top. It has plastic covered sides that roll down if it rains. We hopped on the buggy and Charles took us off road through the woods to get to the museum. At that paint he turned over the reigns. I got to drive that thing all around which was a lot tougher than I thought it would be. I went up over a couple of curbs and almost sent Charles flying through the air. We both couldn't help but laugh. My surprise came when he took me over to pick up a group of folks to take to the house. I was terrified when Charles told me I would be driving. The passengers got on and he turned around and proceeded to inform everyone that I had just gotten my driver's license the day before and I had already lost 8 passengers in the woods never to be found again. Great. No worries...everything turned out just fine...everyone survived and I didn't have a heart attack out of fear.
I am proud of myself because I have learned so much about this place already that I can answer most any question that has been brought my way. It makes you feel good to be the one with the answers. I spent about 4 and a half hours in the museum alone and by the time I was through I could tell you where anything in the place was located. I'm the woman! I'm excited to see what the next week will be like. I hope my feet will learn to get a little less tired, but i doubt it. All of the rangers said that it is hard on the feet because the ground is concrete and has no give in it.
Just a note. I can't even begin to explain how nice it is to hear all of these southern accents again. I sure missed them. I feel like I'm totally at I can use funny phrases or mumble my words together and nobody questions what I have just said. It feels nice. I love the south!

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